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Cooperation with Vocational Schools in Lviv

In a cooperation with the "Further Vocational School for Restaurant Services and Tourism" in Lviv pupils in the graduating classes wishing to move forward into self-employment as chefs, confectioners or hotel servicemen, were able to attend our start-up seminars. The expanding tourist market has opened up many opportunities for people seeking self-employment. Their chance to start up business successfully is above average within this sector.

Since 2014 the 'Lviv Professional Lyceum for Commerce and Service' has also been participating in the seminar programme. The Lyceum also trains students for the retail and banking sector as well as the crafts industries, on top of its selection of gastronomic professions.

The "Further Vocational School for Service Industries" in Lviv as well as the "InterregionalEducation Centre for Art and Design" have been cooperating Partners in the field of colleges of further education since the beginning of 2017.

Trainers who work for the Foundation lead students of the senior classes to thinking of becoming entrepreneurs themselves. They give their students a lot of motivation and help on their way to their future professional life.

Overall in 2017 the Foundation and her Trainers Held seminars on 27 days.  

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